
Health and Safety

At Upper Hutt Hire we take Health and Safety seriously.

We have listed Equipment Safety Data Sheets (ESDS) for various equipment types, in alphabetical order. We have also provided  manufacturers manuals for specific pieces of equipment and Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) for various fuels and oils.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

Safety Data Sheets (previously known as Material Safety Data Sheets) contain valuable information for storage, transport and emergency procedures for hazardous substances.

Safety Data Sheets (SDS).

Asbestos Information from Worksafe New Zealand (Updated May 2018)

Click here for Asbestos safety information for BUILDERS

Click here for Asbestos safety information for ELECTRICIANS

Click here for Asbestos safety information for PAINTERS

Click here for Asbestos safety information for PLUMBERS

Other Worksafe information

Click here for Worksafe NZ information on handling, transportation and erection of precast concrete

Click here for the HSE (UK) Vibration Ready Reckoner 



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